Meditate for free forever.

Zenbase Premium

$4.99/mo. or free with rewards.

Zenbase Premium Is The Ultimate Meditation Crypto Earning Package

Today is a beautiful day to take care of yourself.

Zentoken Offchain Cryptocurrency

More Crypto

Zenbase Premium is the ultimate meditation-crypto rewards package on the market. Earn 30% more Zentoken for developing your wellness regimen.


No Ads

If watching Ads isn’t your style, we understand. Banish Ads from your wellness experience with Zenbase Premium.

NFT Profile Pictures That Meditate

NFT Profiles

Buy exclusive NFTs for your profile and even have them meditate for you! Zenbase NFTs give you wider access to the community and earn Zentoken passively for you.

Meditate With Friends

Earn With Friends

Friends are important, especially ones you can grow with. You can meditate with friends for free on Zenbase. Earn 10% more together with Zenbase Premium.

Earn Crypto Rewards for Journaling

Journal Rewards

Writing down how you feel has so many benefits and we want to encourage more people to do it. Earn crypto for writing in your journal.

Listen to Meditation Music In the Background

Background Music

We know you’re clever and want to earn Zentoken. That’s why we don’t let you exit the app while you’re listening. Pesky feature, begone!

Visualization Meditation With Friends

Company Plans

Zenbase Culture+ is a free or paid employee mindfulness company plan!